2023 Tower Bridge Dinner

2023 Tower Bridge Dinner

  • Mercedeh Sheik
  • 07/7/23
For the 2nd year, I am partnering with Sacramento's Food Literacy Center to help promote a great cause and to collect donations aor their organization's weekly programs after school in low-income elementary schools throughout the Sacramento area. In their classrooms, students learn fruit and vegetable appreciation, how to read nutrition labels, cooking skills, and the environmental impacts of their food choices – and they have fun.

If you haven't heard already, the Tower Bridge Dinner event is coming up on Sunday, September 10, 2023! It is the 10th anniversary of the Tower Bridge Dinner this year.  This event is one of our capitol's most notable events of the year. It is no coincidence that this event takes place in the Farm to Fork Capitol of America. Guests gather to enjoy the creations of the region's top chefs and locally sourced ingredients. Inaugurated in 2013 by the Farm to Fork pioneers, Chef Patrick Mulvaney and Chef Randall Selland, this event has only continued to grow and showcase the labors of the country's number 1 agricultural producer in the USA.



Simply click the button above to donate and join the raffle. When submitting your donation, make sure to select that the donation is 'In Honor Of' and type the following, 'Tower Bridge Dinner' so you can be sure your donation is included in the raffle.
Even if you are not interested in attending the Tower Bridge Dinner Event, your donation would still be in support of reducing the next generation's carbon footprint and helping to foster the growth and mindset of our children and their knowledge of how important food literacy is in life.

Depending on your level of donation, you will receive the equivalent amount of raffle tickets towards our Tower Bridge Dinner drawing. This raffle will conclude by September 3rd. Our winners of the seats will be contacted the week of September 4th.

I cannot wait to see the results of this charity opportunity and find out who will be joining me at the Tower Bridge Dinner this year!


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Clients time and time again testify that she embodies her motto: “positivity is contagious.” Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, no other agent more perfectly combines local market knowledge, negotiation skills, and savvy marketing.

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